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Summaries of PSC research

We've collated our commentary and lay summaries of research below.


The impact of colectomy type following liver transplant for PSC

12 Jun 2018

Colectomies and PSC transplant: end ileostomy compared to ileal-pouch anal anastomosis (IPAA).

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Research begins looking at IBD care after transplant for PSC

25 Jan 2018

First nationwide audit of IBD care delivery following liver transplantation for PSC.

Clinical care guidelines

New guidelines for management of liver blood tests

19 Dec 2017

New British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) Guidelines have now been published.

EMA logo

PSC Support responds to EMA consultation on behalf of patients

14 Aug 2017

The European Medicines Agency is evaluating clinical trial design in PSC.


VAP-1 in PSC: latest findings published

27 Apr 2017

New and exciting findings about the activity of the enzyme, VAP-1.

Treatments for PSC and PBC

Treatments for PSC and PBC

18 Apr 2017

Update on pharmacotherapies (treatemnts) for cholestatic liver disease.

UK-PSC logo

Factors affecting clinical course of PSC

11 Mar 2017

Patient Age, Sex, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Phenotype Associated With Course of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis.

Update on genetics of PSC

Update on the genetics of PSC

10 Mar 2017

New discoveries from an international PSC genetic study open the door to new potential drug targets and trials.

Voice for patients

PSC Support Presents Patient Perspective to Regulatory and Research Authorities

03 Mar 2016

Accelerating PSC research and raising the bar.

Dame Sally Davies

A Holistic Approach to Liver Health: Our Voice is Heard

20 Dec 2012

Chief Medical Officer acknowledges multiple causes of liver disease and need to reduce stigma.

Dame Sally Davies

Call for a Holistic Approach in Addressing Burden of Liver Disease

26 Nov 2012

PSC Support writes to Chief Medical Officer.

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