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Who we are

PSC Support is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registration number 1175427

Chief Executive Officer (Paula Hanford)

Paula Hanford
Paula Hanford, PSC Support Chief Executive

Paula joined PSC Support as its first Chief Executive in May 2022.  Her charity background has primarily been in fundraising and business development for a range of charities including Marie Curie and Children Today.  Prior to joining PSC Support she was Head of Income Generation and Fundraising at National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) responsible for generating all of the charity's income.

Before joining the charity sector Paula worked in international and domestic high profile events working with leading global companies including Infosys Technologies, IBM and Cisco Systems as well as other organisations including London Fire Brigade, London Stock Exchange and the Department of Media, Culture and Sport.

A mother of twin boys, Paula is an avid reader, amateur football fan, intrepid traveller and loves beaches whatever the weather.

Paula brings a wealth of experience from both the charity and commercial sectors including people management and strategic planning.  She is delighted to be PSC Support's Chief Executive and looks forward to taking the charity to the next level in supporting people living with PSC.

PSC Support Board of Trustees


What we do

Improving the lives of people affected by PSC

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