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Our current surveys

We're working hard to help researchers find an effective treatment for PSC as soon as possible, and to help improve healthcare services for people with PSC.

We occasionally run surveys to find out your views on various topics, from your experiences of PSC, your healthcare to your views and appetite for research. Why?  We MUST back up the claims  we make about the needs of people with PSC with evidence. Your views are helping us do that. Together, we can make a difference.

Keep an eye on this page for new surveys and polls. 5 minutes spent on a survey now could mean a lifetime of difference in the future.

Thank you.

Current Surveys

Bile Duct Infections

Also known as a cholangitis attack. 15-20m survey to build a picture of this complication so we can improve your care

Open to: anyone who has had a bile duct infection

Top TenPSC Issues

A quick survey to find out the top ten issues for people affected by PSC.

Open to: everyone!

Survey Results and Reports

See how we are using your views to further PSC medicine development.


Patient Insights Report

Published Aug 2020

Part 2 - PSC Clinical Trials

Clinical Trial to Test Bezafibrate in PSC

Full report coming soon

Studies to Modify Gut Bacteria in PSC?

Full report coming soon

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What we do

Improving the lives of people affected by PSC