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Take part in PSC clinical trials and research studies

Take part in a clinical trial

Well-designed clinical trials are the best chance we have of finding effective medicines for PSC. We believe that people with PSC should be fully informed about how clinical trials work, what’s involved and why they’re so important.

Where do I begin?

  1. Check our map and list below to find trials that are recruiting patients and see if you are suitable.
  2. Sign up to PSC Support research bulletins to learn about new PSC trials.
  3. Join the UK-PSC Registry to build our knowledge of PSC.
  4. Got a question? Our Clinical Trials Guide has lots of information about how to join clinical trials and what's involved.

Clinical trials map

Updated frequently

The map below shows which hospitals are recruiting for the clinical trials. Click on the box in the top left-hand corner of the map to look at all trials or individual trials.

Key to map:

  • Recruiting: site is recruiting patients
  • Recruiting soon: site is preparing to recruit patients
  • On hold: site is registered for this trial but not currently recruiting
  • Ongoing: site is registered for the trial and current recruiting status is not confirmed


Layers: Use the icon in the top left to slide out the layer panel. Select which layers you want to show.

Studies listed in the map

Clinical Trials List

Download the latest list of PSC clinical trials by location in the UK. Last updated 10 Feb 2025.

Asp-PSC Study Centre List

Asp-PSC is a study with many planned sites over the UK. This document brings you a list of all the sites currently taking part in the Asp-PSC Study. Last updated 11 Feb 2025.

Clinical trials and studies list

Recruiting now

Not recruiting

Rest of world

This talk was originally broadcast live onto Facebook. We've split it into shorter videos. You can find the whole series on YouTube.

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