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Liver Transplant Services in the UK

Survey report

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Wider, longer-term services needed for liver transplant patients


In February 2020, we conducted a survey to find out what sort of care is important to people having liver transplants. We found important gaps in service provision and PSC Support is working with leading transplant clinicians to improve services for patients before and after liver transplant.

We’re using these results to help demonstrate the urgent need for wider services and support for liver patients before and after transplant.

Rehab Prehab PSC Support

Important Lessons Learned


Survey Information

About Survey

Mental Health Findings

Mental Health

Beneficial Psychological Support

We asked respondents what kind of psychological support they would find helpful before and after transplant.

Mental Health Discussion

Physical Fitness Findings


Beneficial Physical Fitness Support

We asked respondents what kind of physical fitness help they would find beneficial before and after transplant.

Physical Fitness Discussion

Results for Diet



Diet Discussion

Work and Education

Work education2

Work and Education Discussion

Additional Comments on Support and Healthcare

PSC Support Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation in UK Liver Transplant Services Survey was written by PSC Support and published 11 March 2020.

Page last updated: 11 March 2020

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