Itching in PSC - Fully recruited
Characterising the burden and clinical trajectory of pruritus in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) and chronic liver disease
Dr Nasir Hussain
Specialty Registrar in Liver Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Itching in PSC
We would like to make you aware of a Research Project that is being conducted at the Liver Unit at University Hospitals Birmingham, Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
The title of this project is:
Characterising the burden and clinical trajectory of pruritus in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) and chronic liver disease
As you may be aware, some people with liver disease, including those with PSC, can develop itch symptoms, but we do not know how many people this affects.
We are therefore conducting this study to gather more information about which people experience itch, how it affects day-to-day living, and the factors that cause symptoms to improve or get worse over time.
The information this study generates will help design treatment trials, looking at which medicines are most effective in managing the itch associated with PSC.