Commercial Relationships Policy
Date published: June 2024
Reference: PMD02
Working with the pharmaceutical biotechnology, diagnostic and devices industries
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear principles and guidance about how PSC Support works with pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostic and devices industries (Industry).
Our vision is to see a world without PSC. Partnerships with Industry (and all stakeholders) with an interest in PSC enable us to work towards achieving our mission through our charitable objectives. At the same time we recognise the need for PSC Support to be open and transparent about these working relationships. It is vital that PSC Support maintains its independence, integrity, impartiality and transparency in all that we do.
This policy exists to ensure our work with Industry does not affect our ability to offer independent and unbiased patient information and support, or influence our advocacy, research or fundraising activities.
When we work with Industry, we apply the following principles:
- All partnerships will be based on the principles of integrity and openness and will bring benefit to PSC Support beneficiaries through funding or through supporting PSC Support to achieve its mission.
- The scope of any joint activity must fit within PSC Support’s mission and charitable objectives.
- We will not develop any partnership with Industry that may in any way damage our reputation, and will terminate any relationship that, in our view, becomes a threat to our reputation.
- We will not accept support from any company that is attempting to influence PSC Support’s policy or direction, or, through association with us, is attempting to influence policy makers for commercial advantage.
- PSC Support will not undertake any joint work with, or accept funding from, any company where promotion of a specific drug or technology is required or demanded by the company (either explicitly or implicitly).
- From time to time PSC Support may choose to nominate clinical and patient experts to comment on public consultations on health technologies and clinical guidelines. Where such consultations concern a particular product, we will always act in the best interests of patients, free from influence from Industry.
- Anyone who advises or acts on behalf of PSC Support who has a relationship with Industry must declare and manage any conflict of interest that may arise in line with our Conflicts of Interest policy.
- PSC Support will ensure that our editorial independence is maintained so that we are free to comment both positively and negatively about Industry and their products.
- We will never give one company competitive advantage over another, and will seek support from more than one company where possible.
- PSC Support welcomes opportunities to raise funds and awareness through cause-related marketing and sponsorship. However, PSC Support will not directly endorse any third party, its products or services.
- Any funding or joint activity must be compliant with the conditions of the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry.
- We will publish a full breakdown of restricted funding received from Industry partners in our annual report.
- PSC Support recognises the importance of clinical trials and the potential to establish productive working relationships with Industry. PSC Support will make available information on clinical trials on its website for the purpose of bringing them to the attention of people affected by PSC.
- The provision of information in this manner will not constitute a recommendation to take part in a clinical trial.
- PSC Support will consider requests for patient and public involvement (PPI) in research.
20 February 2020 Renamed to Commercial Relationships Policy
Note: 14 April 2021 - Updated ABPI Code of Practice URL