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Current Update on COVID-19 and PSC


Your healthcare

It is heartening to hear in today's coronavirus briefing from the Health Secretary that we are beginning to get on top of the virus and see the number of infections falling. Numbers of people in hospital with COVID-19 have also been falling.

Now we are learning that NHS is beginning to restart services. What does this mean for people with PSC and what is the situation right now?

Consultant Hepatologist, Dr James Ferguson (University Hospitals Birmingham and PSC Support Expert Panel) gave us a reassuring update this afternoon.

The situation is much improved in the NHS but COVID is still there, so a return to normal is not yet possible. However we are all here for you and please access our services.

  • The majority of out-patient appointments will be virtual in nature to help with social distancing and to avoid travel and risk for patients. Most services are setting up blood hubs outside acute sites to facilitate this.
  • Many of your doctors may have been redeployed to other clinical areas during the crisis but they should be slowly returning to their normal clinical roles.
  • Radiology will become more available over time but many scans may need to be rescheduled.
  • Surveillance colonoscopy may continue to be rescheduled for some time.
  • Transplantation is still happening but at reduced numbers.
  • Finally if you are unwell, please access medical care as you would have done before the crisis.
  • Take care all we are still here for you


1st May 2020