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NGM Bio Announces Plans for a New Clinical Trial

New Clinical Trial Planned

NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Inc

NGM Bio, a pharmaceutical company from the United States, is planning a new trial to test a medicine called aldafermin in PSC.

They had encouraging results from their Phase 2 trial back in 2018. Their drug did not seem to improve alkaline phosphatase(ALP) but it did improve markers of fibrosis turnover and inflammation. NGM Bio now has investment of $122million to fund another PSC trial and one in a condition that causes extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (hyperemesis gravidarum).

Martine Walmsley, PSC Support Head of Research Strategy remarked, 'We are delighted to see that NGM Bio is acting on the encouraging results seen in their trial six years ago. Back then, there was a greater emphasis on the importance of ALP to evaluate new medicines. We know there is more to PSC than one part of a blood test and we hope that upcoming clinical trials can lean on changes to markers of fibrosis and reports from participants about how they feel and function to show how a medicine is working.'

ALP is short for 'alkaline phosphatase' which is measured in liver blood tests. High levels can indicate damage or obstruction in the bile ducts. It can also be raised in non-liver issues such as: the presence of bone disease, fractures, heart problems, pregnancy. It is also common for young people to have raised ALP levels.