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First Participant in FARGO Trial

First participant in FARGO Trial

Testing whether faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) can ease liver disease symptoms

A PSC Support Trustee who has been diagnosed with both PSC and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is receiving weekly poo transplants to treat the conditions in a world first trial.

“The trial resonated with me as I have an interest in the microbiome and its effect on wellbeing, so it seemed the perfect trial for me," they said.

"The trial requires enemas and colonoscopy so it isn’t as easy as taking a tablet, but it is worth it to further our understanding of this disease and I strongly believe there will be some good data coming out of this trial to benefit everyone in the PSC community.

“I am patient number one on the trial and have just completed the most demanding part of the trial which requires an initial assessment followed by eight weekly visits, all of which require a treatment of FMT (or placebo).

"Next, I will have appointments every three months or so until the trial ends 48 weeks after my initial screening."

They described their experience with the trial so far as "extremely positive" and said they're looking forward to seeing its results.